Friday, September 11, 2020

Traditional Latin Mass, Sunday September 13, 2020

 The Traditional Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form) will be held on the 15th Sunday after Pentecost, Sunday, September 13th, 2020, 3:00 pm at the New St. Paul’s Church , 510 W. Roosevelt, in Nampa. Father Vogel will be saying a Missa Cantata with the Schola singing Gregorian chant responses. 

For those who are not attending due to the dispensation, you can view the mass at the following link:

After mass, there will NOT be hospitality in the Narthex.

Below are some notes from Fr Vogel’s letter on St Paul's website concerning their operating procedures for mass and being at the church.

 ***Dispensation for Mass continues for all who are over 60 or are vulnerable. Masses will still be live streamed. **Do not come to Mass if you are sick or not comfortable being there.**

All safety protocol given by the CDC and the Governor must be followed, namely:

  • Masks are highly recommended
  • 6 feet of distance must be maintained between every individual
    • A family counts as 1 individual
  • The church is marked and prepared to ensure social distancing
  • The church will be sanitized before every Mass
  • The collection basket will not be passed person to person
    • We will have a basket at the door
  • Follow the trained usher’s instructions for being seated
  • You must take the seat given you by the usher
    • You cannot pick your seat or save seats
  • There is no congregating before or after Mass in order to maintain social distancing
  • Try your best to refrain from using the church bathrooms. We will sanitize after each person. Also, to get to the bathroom the entire pew will have to move so social distancing remains.
    • Parents must accompany a child to the bathroom

Once the church has reached its capacity, ushers will seat the faithful in Marist Hall where the Mass will be live-streamed, and a priest or deacon will bring Holy Communion.***

St. Joseph, pray for the increase of the Traditional Latin Mass in the Treasure Valley and the establishment of an FSSP Parish. We pray also for Father Vogel and Bishop Christensen.

*******After the mass there will be a picnic at Lyons Park (409 Lyons Drive) for the new teachers at St Paul's School.  All are welcome**********

****If you ordered T-Shirts they will be available for pick up following the mass****

"The ancient liturgy, with its poignant symbols and innumerable subtleties, is a prolonged courtship of the soul, enticing and drawing it onwards, leading it along a path to the mystical marriage, the wedding feast of heaven."  Resurgent in the Midst of Crisis: Sacred Liturgy, the Traditional Latin Mass, and Renewal in the Church, Peter Kwasniewski

Court Gossard
Chairman, TVLMS-Una Voce