Thursday, October 4, 2018

Invitation to attend DVD Presentation from the 2018 Sacred Liturgy Conference

Our next DVD presentation will cover one of the main presentations during the recent Sacred Liturgy Conference, Transfiguration in the Eucharist, held in Salem, Oregon, on June 27-30, 2018. The presentation was given by Bishop Athanasius Schneider entitled, Transfiguration In the Liturgy. Bishop Athanasius Schneider is the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Astana, Kazakhstan, since 2011.


When:        Thursday, October 18, 2018


Time:         6:30 pm


Where:       Home of Tom & Theresa Lester

                   9875 W. Meadowlark Ct.

                    Boise, Id. 83704


RSVP:        Tom or Theresa Lester at 208-891-9980 or email at:                               


If you would like, please bring a beverage and/or a snack/food to share.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Latin Rosary Group

Please be advised that the Latin Rosary Group will resume on Monday, October 8th. The group will now meet monthly  on the first Monday of the month. We have so much happening in our culture and our Church that need our prayer and - the Devil hates Latin! So, please come and pray the Rosary in Latin with us. Please note, you don’t need to know Latin; we will have handouts you can follow during the Rosary.
Where:  9875 W. Meadowlark Ct., Boise 83704
When: October 8, 2018
Time: 7 pm
What to bring: If you would like, bring some beverage and/or food to share during a social time after the Rosary.
Questions: call Tom or Theresa Lester at 208-891-9980